Genealogy Data Page 6 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Yeck Louis [Male] b. JUN 1876 OH - d. 25 AUG 1960 Bellefontaine, Logan Co., OH

Appears to be Lewis in the 1900 & 1910 OH census. In his signed affidavit for David Yeck's, he wrote Lewis.

1930 United States Federal Census has 3 matches for: 1930 United States Federal Census has 3 matches for:
Yeck Yeck
Name: Louis Yeck Name: Louis Yeck
Age: 54 years Age: 54 years
Estimated birth year: 1875 Estimated birth year: 1875
Birthplace: Birthplace:
Relation to Head-of-house: Brother Relation to Head-of-house: Brother
Race: Race:
Home in 1930: Liberty, Logan, Ohio Home in 1930: Liberty, Logan, Ohio

Death Date: 25 August 1960 Age: 87 Death Date: 25 August 1960 Age: 87
Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Residence: , Logan Coun Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Residence: , Logan Coun
Gender: Male Race: White Gender: Male Race: White
Marital Status: Never Married Certificate: 58449 Marital Status: Never Married Certificate: 58449
Volume: 16243 Volume: 16243

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Yeck Dora Anna Elizabeth [Female] b. 10 DEC 1856 West Liberty, Logan Co. OH - d. 12 OCT 1857 West Liberty, Logan Co. OH

Died in infancy.

Family Gene Records Collection - Individual Records Family Gene Records Collection - Individual Records
Dora Anna Elizabeth Yeck Dora Anna Elizabeth Yeck
Birth: 10 December 1856-- Logan, West Liberty, OH Birth: 10 December 1856-- Logan, West Liberty, OH
Death: Death:
12 October 1857 -- 12 October 1857 --
Spouse: Spouse:
Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Catharine Amanda Mops Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Catharine Amanda Mops

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Conley Laura F. [Female] b. 1880 Cedar, Boone Co., MO

1930 United States Federal Census record for:
Laura F Newton Laura F Newton
Name: Laura F Newton Name: Laura F Newton
Age: 50 years Age: 50 years
Estimated birth year: 1879 Estimated birth year: 1879
Birthplace: Birthplace:
Relation: Wife Relation: Wife
Race: Race:
Home in 1930: Precinct 8, Denton, Texas Home in 1930: Precinct 8, Denton, Texas

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Newton Samuel A. [Male] b. 28 NOV 1879 TN - d. AFT 1930

Newton, S A
Age: 40 Year: 1920 Age: 40 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Tennessee Roll: T625_1796 Birthplace: Tennessee Roll: T625_1796
Race: White Page: 14B Race: White Page: 14B
State: Texas ED: 51 State: Texas ED: 51
County: Denton Image: 0094 County: Denton Image: 0094
Township: Precinct 1 Township: Precinct 1

1930 United States Federal Census record for: 1930 United States Federal Census record for:
Sam A Newton Sam A Newton
Name: Sam A Newton Name: Sam A Newton
Age: 50 years Age: 50 years
Estimated birth year: 1879 Estimated birth year: 1879
Birthplace: Tennessee Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation: Head Relation: Head
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1930: Precinct 8, Denton, Texas Home in 1930: Precinct 8, Denton, Texas

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Yeck Benjamin Oral [Male] b. 3 FEB 1892 Woburn, Bond Co., IL - d. 29 JAN 1969 Big Piney, Sublette Co., WY

Weld County Master Index
This index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sourcThis index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sources pertaining to Weld County, Colorado.
YECK Benjman O. . . . . . .18. . . . . 220*. . . . 1910cenYECK Benjman O. . . . . . .18. . . . . 220*. . . . 1910cen

1920 United States Federal Census 1920 United States Federal Census
Yeck, Benjamin O Yeck, Benjamin O
Age: 27 Year: 1920 Age: 27 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_2027 Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_2027
Race: White Page: 10A Race: White Page: 10A
State: Wyoming ED: 41 State: Wyoming ED: 41
County: Laramie Image: 222 County: Laramie Image: 222
Township: Cheyenne Township: Cheyenne

1930 United States Federal Census E. D. 4-2, sheet 9A1930 United States Federal Census E. D. 4-2, sheet 9A
Benjamin O Yeck Benjamin O Yeck
Name: Benjamin O Yeck Name: Benjamin O Yeck
Age: 38 years Age: 38 years
Estimated birth year: 1891 Estimated birth year: 1891
Birthplace: Illinois Birthplace: Illinois
Relation: Head Relation: Head
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1930: Rawlins, Carbon, Wyoming Home in 1930: Rawlins, Carbon, Wyoming
Occupation: Occupation:

Benjamin Oral Yeck passed away January 29th. He was born February 3, 18Benjamin Oral Yeck passed away January 29th. He was born February 3, 1892 in Bond County, Greenville, Illinois, to Miles Oscar Yeck and Sara Margrette Coffee Yeck. On July 27, 1913, he married Lena Hounstein in Denver, Colo. To this union four children were born, Harold J. Yeck, Riverton, Mrs. Frances Perkins, Big Piney, Mrs. Irene Hopkins of Lander and Viola Joselyn, Edgerton. They resided in Colorado until 1917 when they moved to Cheyenne, Wyo. In 1924 they moved to Rawlins, Wyo., where they lived until 1936 when they moved to Sublette County. They lived at Daniel for a number of years and later moved to Big Piney where he and his wife both passed away, she just a year ago. All his children are living, fifteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren, also one brother Jonathan, three sisters, Alma Snyder, Lena Van Gorder and Iva Yeck all of Greeley, Colorado. One brother Bently passed away. Burial was in Big Piney cemetery, services were held at the Congregational Church. Reverend Lee Moore of Pinedale officiated and Tanner Mortuary. L. D. S. Ladies served dinner for all the family and friends at the L. D. S. Church here. Sympathy to all the family and friends.

The following article was on the same page as Benjamin's obituary.The following article was on the same page as Benjamin's obituary.

Two old timers from Big Piney passed away in the last of January. Ben O. YTwo old timers from Big Piney passed away in the last of January. Ben O. Yeck, Big Piney and Franklin Jesse James of Superior Montana. Both well known here. Ben Perkins of Elko, Nevada, was here for a few days, coming to attend the funeral of his grand father Ben O. Yeck. Also visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norm Perkins and his brother Larry and wife and son of Pinedale.
The above obituary, and the accompanying article, is from the newspapeThe above obituary, and the accompanying article, is from the newspaper, Pinedale Roundup, 6 Feb., 1969, Sublette Co., WY. It was supplied through the courtesy of Ida Johnston, a look up volunteer for Sublette Co., WY.

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Apr 28, 1999, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Yeck, BenjaminIndividual: Yeck, Benjamin
Birth date: Feb 3, 1892Birth date: Feb 3, 1892
Death date: Jan 1969Death date: Jan 1969
Social Security #: 520-20-5965Social Security #: 520-20-5965
Last residence: Big Piney, Sublette Co., WY, 83113Last residence: Big Piney, Sublette Co., WY, 83113
State of issue: WYState of issue: WY

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Hickman Sarah Margaret [Female] b. 4 FEB 1872 Coffeen, Montgomery Co., IL - d. 1 JAN 1957 Greeley, Weld Co., CO

Name: Sarah Yeck 1930 census
Age: 58 years Age: 58 years
Estimated birth year: 1871 Estimated birth year: 1871
Birthplace: Birthplace:
Relation to Head-of-house: Wife Relation to Head-of-house: Wife
Race: Race:
Home in 1930: Greeley, Weld, Colorado Home in 1930: Greeley, Weld, Colorado

Weld County Master IndexWeld County Master Index
This index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sourcThis index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sources pertaining to Weld County, Colorado.
YECK Sarah M . . . . . . ..027. . . . CemBk1YECK Sarah M . . . . . . ..027. . . . CemBk1
YECK Sarah M. . . . . . ..37. . . . . .220*. . . . 1910cenYECK Sarah M. . . . . . ..37. . . . . .220*. . . . 1910cen

Mrs. Sarah M. Yeck of 405 6th. St. Services 2 p. m. Friday from Macy's draMrs. Sarah M. Yeck of 405 6th. St. Services 2 p. m. Friday from Macy's drawing room. Internment Ault Cemetery."Greeley Tribune" 3 Jan. 1957 This obituary was supplied through the courtesy of Weld Co., CO, look up volunteer, Gary Thompson.

Gene Pool Individual Records Gene Pool Individual Records
Sarah Margret Hickman Sarah Margret Hickman
Birth: 4 February 1872-- Montgomery, Coffeen, IL Birth: 4 February 1872-- Montgomery, Coffeen, IL
Death: 1 January 1957 -- Greeley, Weld, CO Death: 1 January 1957 -- Greeley, Weld, CO
Spouse: Miles Oscar Yeck Spouse: Miles Oscar Yeck
Parents: Michael Hickman, Sarah Ann Bateman Parents: Michael Hickman, Sarah Ann Bateman

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Yeck Martha Lucinda [Female] b. 13 OCT 1865 West Liberty, Logan Co. OH - d. 10 MAR 1949 Grady, Co., OK

1930 United States Federal Census record for:
Mattie L Hickman Mattie L Hickman
Name: Mattie L Hickman Name: Mattie L Hickman
Age: 64 years Age: 64 years
Estimated birth year: 1865 Estimated birth year: 1865
Birthplace: Birthplace:
Relation: Wife Relation: Wife
Race: Race:
Home in 1930: Chickasha, Grady, Oklahoma Home in 1930: Chickasha, Grady, Oklahoma

HICKMAN, Martha L., 13 Oct 1865 - 10 Mar 1949 (burial 10 Mar)HICKMAN, Martha L., 13 Oct 1865 - 10 Mar 1949 (burial 10 Mar)
(Block 35, Lot 17, Space 4, NW 1/4)(Block 35, Lot 17, Space 4, NW 1/4)

Chickasha Daily Express, Chickasha Daily Express,
Rev. W. A. Mitchell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, was to haveRev. W. A. Mitchell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, was to have
conducted services for Mrs. Martha L. Hickman at 3 pm today in the chapelconducted services for Mrs. Martha L. Hickman at 3 pm today in the chapel
of the Brown Funeral Home. Mrs. Hickman, 83, died about 5 pm Thursday inof the Brown Funeral Home. Mrs. Hickman, 83, died about 5 pm Thursday in
a local hospital.a local hospital.

She came to Chickasha in 1902 from Coffeen, Ill. She was a member of theShe came to Chickasha in 1902 from Coffeen, Ill. She was a member of the
Presbyterian church. Survivors include her husband, Alexander B., of thePresbyterian church. Survivors include her husband, Alexander B., of the
home address, 927 S. 16; five daughters, Mrs. Ernest Pixler and Misshome address, 927 S. 16; five daughters, Mrs. Ernest Pixler and Miss
Orpha Hickman, both of Chickasha, Miss Peal Hickman, Mrs. G. B. SpenceOrpha Hickman, both of Chickasha, Miss Peal Hickman, Mrs. G. B. Spence
and Mrs. Walter Hindon, all of Oklahoma City; two sisters, Mrs. Violaand Mrs. Walter Hindon, all of Oklahoma City; two sisters, Mrs. Viola
Kimbrough of Vandalia, Ill, and Mrs. Blanche Wright of Mulberry Grove,Kimbrough of Vandalia, Ill, and Mrs. Blanche Wright of Mulberry Grove,
Ill.; three brothers, Rev. Joe Yeck of Greenville, Ill, and Oscar Yeck ofIll.; three brothers, Rev. Joe Yeck of Greenville, Ill, and Oscar Yeck of
Greeley, Col; and five grandsons." Greeley, Col; and five grandsons."
This obit was provided through the courtesy of Helen Hatfield.This obit was provided through the courtesy of Helen Hatfield.

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Yeck Bently Urr [Male] b. 2 SEP 1893 Woburn Bond, IL - d. 22 SEP 1910 Weld Co., CO

Weld County Master Index
This index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sourcThis index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sources pertaining to Weld County, Colorado.
YECK Bently U . . . . . . 027. . . . CemBk1YECK Bently U . . . . . . 027. . . . CemBk1
YECK Bently U. . . . .16. . . .220*. . . . 1910cenYECK Bently U. . . . .16. . . .220*. . . . 1910cen

Bentley U. Yeckb. Sept 2, 1893d. Sept 22, 1910Bentley U. Yeckb. Sept 2, 1893d. Sept 22, 1910

Buried in Ault CemeteryBuried in Ault Cemetery
The funeral services of Bentley Yeck, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Yeck, wThe funeral services of Bentley Yeck, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Yeck, who was killed by lightening Thursday afternoon of last week on the farm of C.B. Pierce, near the Olive Branch school house, was held at the home of Mr. Pierce, Saturday afternoon. The remains were brought to the Ault cemetery for interment.
(“The Ault Advertiser” Volume VII, Number 49, September 30, 1910, pg. 11. (“The Ault Advertiser” Volume VII, Number 49, September 30, 1910, pg. 11.)

Card of Thanks Card of Thanks
We wish to thank all friends and neighbors for the many favors extendWe wish to thank all friends and neighbors for the many favors extended at the time of the sudden death by lightening of our son.
Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Yeck and family.Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Yeck and family.
(“The Ault Advertiser” Volume VII, Number 49, September 30, 1910, pg. 5(“The Ault Advertiser” Volume VII, Number 49, September 30, 1910, pg. 5

Horses Ran Away and Carry Body Many Rods Before It Is Finally Released----Horses Ran Away and Carry Body Many Rods Before It Is Finally Released----Young Man Was Working Near Employer
(Special to the Tribune) (Special to the Tribune)
Ault, Sept. 23.-While working in the fields on a harrow yesterday afternoAult, Sept. 23.-While working in the fields on a harrow yesterday afternoon about 3:15 o'clock, Bentley Yeck, aged 17, son of Mr. and Mrs., homesteaders, was instantly killed when he was struck by lightning. The death occurred on the farm of C. B. Pierce, seven and a half miles northeast of Ault where Yeck was employed.
Pierce and Yeck were in the field working together when the storm brokPierce and Yeck were in the field working together when the storm broke. Following a sudden and most violent flash of lightning Pierce turned around and saw that Yeck's four horse team was running away.
The dust was so intense that Pierce could not make out the boy. The boThe dust was so intense that Pierce could not make out the boy. The body was carried about thirty rods on the harrow before it was dropped. The lightning had struck him in the neck and the clothing on his back was badly burned.
The body was taken to the house and Coroner Macy was summoned. Death hThe body was taken to the house and Coroner Macy was summoned. Death had been instantaneous. No inquest will be held.
Yeck and his employer had remained in the field after the storm had startYeck and his employer had remained in the field after the storm had started, believing that it would soon pass.
C. O. Pierce said this morning. "I was some distance fr C. O. Pierce said this morning. "I was some distance from Yeck when the terrific blaze of lightning came. I looked back toward him and saw the horses running away. The dust was so thick that I could not make Yeck out until his body fell from the harrow."
("The Greeley Daily Tribune" Volume III Number 73, Friday, September, 2("The Greeley Daily Tribune" Volume III Number 73, Friday, September, 23, 1910, Pg. 1.)
All of the information, listed above obituaries, was supplied through tAll of the information, listed above obituaries, was supplied through the generosity of RAOGK Weld Co., CO. lookup volunteer, Brenda Hummer.

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Yeck Alma Margaret [Female] b. 26 JAN 1899 Coffeen, Montgomery, IL - d. 4 JUN 1971

1930 United States Federal Census record for:
Alma Snyder Alma Snyder
Name: Alma Snyder Name: Alma Snyder
Age: 31 years Age: 31 years
Estimated birth year: 1898 Estimated birth year: 1898
Birthplace: Illinois Birthplace: Illinois
Relation: Head Relation: Head
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1930: Greeley, Weld, Colorado Home in 1930: Greeley, Weld, Colorado

SSN: 522-10-6700 SSN: 522-10-6700
Last Residence: 80631 Greeley, Weld, CO Last Residence: 80631 Greeley, Weld, CO
Born: 26 Jan 1899 Born: 26 Jan 1899
Last Benefit: Last Benefit:
Died: Jun 1971 Died: Jun 1971
State (Year) SSN issued: CO (Before 195) State (Year) SSN issued: CO (Before 195)

Weld County Master IndexWeld County Master Index
This index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sourcThis index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sources pertaining to Weld County, Colorado.
SNYDER Alma M . . . . .026. . . . CemBk1SNYDER Alma M . . . . .026. . . . CemBk1
Weld County, Colorado Tombstone Inscriptions, Volume I (Greeley, CO: The GWeld County, Colorado Tombstone Inscriptions, Volume I (Greeley, CO: The Genealogical Society of Weld County, CO, 1982). A copy of this book can be found in the genealogy department of the Weld Library District, Centennial Park Branch. The WCMI includes full name and page number they are on in the above publication.

Mrs. Alma Snyder, 414 N. 9th Ave, died at her home Friday evening. She wMrs. Alma Snyder, 414 N. 9th Ave, died at her home Friday evening. She was 72.
Mrs. Snyder was born in Illinois Jan. 26, 1899, and came to the Ault areMrs. Snyder was born in Illinois Jan. 26, 1899, and came to the Ault area, where she attended school and lived a number of years.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Violet Woodward and Mrs. Margaret WeedSurviving are two daughters, Mrs. Violet Woodward and Mrs. Margaret Weeden of Greeley; a sister, Mrs. Lena Van Gorder of Greeley, one brother, J.O. Yeck of Tulsa, Okla; four grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

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Yeck Charles Conklin Rev. [Male] b. 19 APR 1874 Woburn IL - d. 25 MAR 1947 Greenville IL

Methodist minister in Effingham and Bond Counties in IL. Minister of Gospel Methodist church. Is in Moccasin IL in 1924. Retired in 1939 and attended Greenville Methodist Church. His obit says he was born on 4/17/1874. He was living in Effingham Co. IL on 8/31/1935 (signed affidavit for estate of David Yeck-his uncle).

Charles Conklin Yeck Charles Conklin Yeck
Birth: 19 April 1874-- Bond, Woburn, IL Birth: 19 April 1874-- Bond, Woburn, IL
Death: Death:
28 March 1947 -- 28 March 1947 --
Spouse: Anie Garret Spouse: Anie Garret
Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Susanna Smith Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Susanna Smith

Yeck, Chas O Yeck, Chas O
Age: 45 Year: 1920 Age: 45 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_297 Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_297
Race: White Page: 5B Race: White Page: 5B
State: Illinois ED: 10 State: Illinois ED: 10
County: Bond Image: 425 County: Bond Image: 425
Township: Mulberry Grove Township: Mulberry Grove

Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/
Race Age Cert # DeathRace Age Cert # Death
Date County City DateDate County City Date
Filed Filed

Charles and Edna's grave site was visited and photographed on 13 Aug. 20Charles and Edna's grave site was visited and photographed on 13 Aug. 2005 by Benjamin Kinsey.

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Sanderson Edna Henniger [Female] b. 14 JUL 1871 Mulberry - d. 24 MAR 1946 Greenville IL, buried in Hazel Dell Cem.

YECK EDNA F/W UNK 0009169 1946-03-24 BOYECK EDNA F/W UNK 0009169 1946-03-24 BOND GREENVILLE - -

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Yeck Euclid Dufay [Male] b. 24 JUN 1902 Smithboro IL - d. 15 FEB 1977 Smithboro IL

SSDI Search Results found at Ancestry Plus.
SSN 345-07-1754 Residence: 62010 Bethalto, Madison, IL SSN 345-07-1754 Residence: 62010 Bethalto, Madison, IL
Born 26 Jun 1902 Last Benefit: Born 26 Jun 1902 Last Benefit:
Died Feb 1977 Issued: IL (Before 1951) Died Feb 1977 Issued: IL (Before 1951)

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Yeck Robert A. [Male] b. 1906

Was in Chillcothe IL. Is listed as Cobert in 1920 census.

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Yeck Samuel Emmet [Male] b. 3 MAR 1876 Woburn IL - d. 17 OCT 1932 St. Louis MO, Buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery

On a whim, I looked in my 1904 history of Bond County and found a picture of
Dr. S.E. Yeck. "Formerly a resident of Greenville, now practicing medicinDr. S.E. Yeck. "Formerly a resident of Greenville, now practicing medicine
in Coffeen." Note from Greenville Chamber of Coffeen." Note from Greenville Chamber of Commerce.

City Directories of the United States, Various Time Periods and LocatioCity Directories of the United States, Various Time Periods and Locatio
Gould's St. Louis, Missouri General & Business Directory for 1911. St. LouGould's St. Louis, Missouri General & Business Directory for 1911. St. Louis: Gould Directory Co., 1911. Yeck Samuel E physician 4222A N 20th
Gould's St. Louis, Missouri General & Business Directory for 1911. St. LouGould's St. Louis, Missouri General & Business Directory for 1911. St. Louis: Gould Directory Co., 1911. Yeck Samuel E 4222A N 20th

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
about Samuel Emmet Yeck about Samuel Emmet Yeck
Name: Samuel Emmet Yeck Name: Samuel Emmet Yeck
City: St Louis City: St Louis
County: St Louis (Independent City) County: St Louis (Independent City)
State: Missouri State: Missouri
Birth Date: 3 Mar 1876 Birth Date: 3 Mar 1876
Race: White Race: White
Roll: 1683693 Roll: 1683693
DraftBoard: 1 DraftBoard: 1
Nearest relative is Florence, his wife. Samuel is a physician. Nearest relative is Florence, his wife. Samuel is a physician.

1920 United States Federal Census1920 United States Federal Census
Yeck, Samuel E Yeck, Samuel E
Age: 43 Year: 1920 Age: 43 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_947 Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_947
Race: White Page: 3B Race: White Page: 3B
State: Missouri ED: 20 State: Missouri ED: 20
County: St. Louis (Independent City) Image: 1075 County: St. Louis (Independent City) Image: 1075
Township: St. Louis Township: St. Louis
Wife, Florence, 27, NY, daughter, son, Nilson?, 17 and Ethel, 13 are al Wife, Florence, 27, NY, daughter, son, Nilson?, 17 and Ethel, 13 are also listed in this census record. Both children were born in MO.

Samuel was in St. Louis, MO 1924. Samuel was in St. Louis, MO 1924.

Yeck, Samuel Yeck, Samuel
Age: 54 Year: 1930 Age: 54 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T626_1227 Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T626_1227
Race: White Page: 6A Race: White Page: 6A
State: Missouri ED: 10 State: Missouri ED: 10
County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668 County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668
Township: St Louis Township: St Louis

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Wilson Florence [Female] b. 5 JAN 1891 NY - d. JUN 1978 St. Louis, MO

Yeck, Florence
Age: 39 Year: 1930 Age: 39 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_1227 Birthplace: Roll: T626_1227
Race: Page: 6A Race: Page: 6A
State: Missouri ED: 10 State: Missouri ED: 10
County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668 County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668
Township: St Louis Township: St Louis

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Aug 10, 1999, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Yeck, FlorenceIndividual: Yeck, Florence
Birth date: Jan 5, 1891Birth date: Jan 5, 1891
Death date: Jun 1978Death date: Jun 1978
Social Security #: 491-68-2326Social Security #: 491-68-2326
Last residence: MO 63136Last residence: MO 63136
State of issue: MOState of issue: MO

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Yeck Ethyl [Female] b. ABT 1908 MO

Yeck, Ethel
Age: 22 Year: 1930 Age: 22 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_1227 Birthplace: Roll: T626_1227
Race: Page: 6A Race: Page: 6A
State: Missouri ED: 10 State: Missouri ED: 10
County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668 County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668
Township: St Louis Township: St Louis

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Yeck Nelson [Male] b. ABT 1903 MO

Yeck, Nelson
Age: 27 Year: 1930 Age: 27 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_1227 Birthplace: Roll: T626_1227
Race: Page: 6A Race: Page: 6A
State: Missouri ED: 10 State: Missouri ED: 10
County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668 County: St Louis (Independent City) Image: 0668
Township: St Louis Township: St Louis

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Yeck Joseph Gideon Rev. [Male] b. 30 NOV 1878 Mulberry Grove, Bond Co., IL - d. 7 NOV 1966 Hillsboro, MC, IL

Joseph Gideon was in Cowden, Tower HIll IL in 1924. He was a minister. Joseph was living at 1426 E. Jackson, Springfield IL on 8/26/1935 ( from affidavit in estate of David Yeck-his uncle).

Yeck, J G View Image Online at Ancestry Plus.Yeck, J G View Image Online at Ancestry Plus.
Age: 41 Year: 1920 Age: 41 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_408 Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T625_408
Race: White Page: 16A Race: White Page: 16A
State: Illinois ED: 221 State: Illinois ED: 221
County: Shelby Image: 1091 County: Shelby Image: 1091
Township: Tower Hill Township: Tower Hill
Joseph's wife, Maggie and two children, Audrey and Hanly are also listJoseph's wife, Maggie and two children, Audrey and Hanly are also listed in this census record.
Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.

[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Aug 9, 1999, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Yeck, JosephIndividual: Yeck, Joseph
Birth date: Nov 30, 1878Birth date: Nov 30, 1878
Death date: Nov 1966Death date: Nov 1966
Social Security #: 319-32-2384Social Security #: 319-32-2384
Last residence: IL 62051Last residence: IL 62051
State of issue: ILState of issue: IL

Joseph Gideon's line was updated on 5/03/2001 from a letter of Joseph's g Joseph Gideon's line was updated on 5/03/2001 from a letter of Joseph's grand daughter, Evelyn E. Gaffga, nee Cochran. This letter was sent by Evelyn to Rachael Heater, wife of Ramond Heater, a descendant of Rebecca Jones, nee Yeck. The letter was dated 4/30/1993. It also contained a descendancy chart of the Yeck family.

Subject: Re: CemeterySubject: Re: Cemetery
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 11:00:51 EDTDate: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 11:00:51 EDT
From: From:
Did I tell you the story about Granddad Yeck? Dad Yeck and Mom Yeck (MaggDid I tell you the story about Granddad Yeck? Dad Yeck and Mom Yeck (Maggie)
are buried in Mound Cemetery, Cowden ILL. When Dad Yeck remarried - happiare buried in Mound Cemetery, Cowden ILL. When Dad Yeck remarried - happily
- he envisioned "Clara" joining them - he between the two wives. Howeve- he envisioned "Clara" joining them - he between the two wives. However,
Clara's Sister, a maiden lady who did not sanction the marriage anyway, hClara's Sister, a maiden lady who did not sanction the marriage anyway, had
other thoughts, and when Clara died (after Dad Yeck), sister buried Claother thoughts, and when Clara died (after Dad Yeck), sister buried Clara in
the family cemetery on the farm in Farina IL. . . . this came from Dottthe family cemetery on the farm in Farina IL. . . . this came from Dott
Hitt, Dad ;Yeck grandchild living nearby in IL. I consider it a good stoHitt, Dad ;Yeck grandchild living nearby in IL. I consider it a good story
and reliable. I have never been to the cemetery to verify - I'll take hand reliable. I have never been to the cemetery to verify - I'll take her at
her word.........Ev her word.........Ev

Ev has all of Joseph's bibles and numerous sermon notes.Ev has all of Joseph's bibles and numerous sermon notes.

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Yeck Alida Blanche [Female] b. 30 AUG 1881 Mulberry Grove Tw'p., Bond Co, IL - d. 30 JUL 1972

Was near Woburn IL in 1924. was living in Mulberry Grove, Bond Co. IL on 8/28/1935 (signed affidavit for estate of David Yeck-her uncle).

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Yeck Calvin Kingsley [Male] b. 1872 Woburn Bond, IL - d. 1872

Died in infancy.

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