For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Yeck Cooey D. [Female] b. APR 1895 TX - d. 28 SEP 1964 Dallas TX
Texas Deaths, 1964-98
Surname Given Middle Death Date Death County GendSurname Given Middle Death Date Death County Gender Marital Status
Power Cooey D 28 September 1964 ELLPower Cooey D 28 September 1964 ELLIS F WIDOWED
McLennan County Texas - TXGenWebMcLennan County Texas - TXGenWeb
Uploaded to TXGenWeb by Diane E. Wilson Uploaded to TXGenWeb by Diane E. Wilson
Records compiled, transcribed and scanned by the Central Texas GenealogicRecords compiled, transcribed and scanned by the Central Texas Genealogical
Society, Inc.Society, Inc.
Oakwood Cemetery Index - Pages 227-335Oakwood Cemetery Index - Pages 227-335
LotSection 31LotSection 31
506 (dm} Power, Cooey D. {Mrs.} Apr. 19, 1895 - {Sept. 28, 1964)506 (dm} Power, Cooey D. {Mrs.} Apr. 19, 1895 - {Sept. 28, 1964)
1900 United States Federal Census Record
about Fanice Cabe about Fanice Cabe
Name: Fanice Cabe Name: Fanice Cabe
Home in 1900: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, Texas Home in 1900: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, Texas
Age: 28 Age: 28
Estimated birth year: abt 1872 Estimated birth year: abt 1872
Birthplace: Georgia Birthplace: Georgia
Race: White Race: White
Relationship to head-of-house: Housekeeper Relationship to head-of-house: Housekeeper
Image source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, TexImage source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, Texas; Roll: T623 1665; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 107
1920 United States Federal Census Record 1920 United States Federal Census Record
about Fannie Stallings about Fannie Stallings
Name: Fannie Stallings Name: Fannie Stallings
Age: 50 years Age: 50 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1870 Estimated birth year: abt 1870
Birthplace: Georgia Birthplace: Georgia
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1920: Denton Ward 4, Denton, Texas Home in 1920: Denton Ward 4, Denton, Texas
Sex: Female Sex: Female
Marital status: Married Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Sister-in-law Relation to Head of House: Sister-in-law
Able to read: Yes Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes Able to Write: Yes
Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia
Father's Birth Place: Georgia Father's Birth Place: Georgia
Image: 251 Image: 251
Year: 1920; Census Place: Denton Ward 4, Denton, Texas; Roll: T625_1796; PYear: 1920; Census Place: Denton Ward 4, Denton, Texas; Roll: T625_1796; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 55; Image: 251
Fanny is living with her brother in law, Marion Yeck and his mother, LauraFanny is living with her brother in law, Marion Yeck and his mother, Laura.
1900 United States Federal Census Record
about Vivian Cabe about Vivian Cabe
Name: Vivian Cabe Name: Vivian Cabe
Home in 1900: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, Texas Home in 1900: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, Texas
Age: 46 (Age is 4)Age: 46 (Age is 4)
Estimated birth year: abt 1854 (Abt 1895)Estimated birth year: abt 1854 (Abt 1895)
Birthplace: Arkansas Birthplace: Arkansas
Race: White Race: White
Relationship to head-of-house: Boarder Relationship to head-of-house: Boarder
Image source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, TexImage source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 4, Red River, Texas; Roll: T623 1665; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 107
Michigan Births, 1867-1902 for Ephriam Yeck
Name: Wilson Yeck Name: Wilson Yeck
Birth Date: 09 Apr 1870 Birth Date: 09 Apr 1870
Birthplace: Windsor, Eaton, Michigan Birthplace: Windsor, Eaton, Michigan
Gender: Male Gender: Male
Race: W Race: W
Father's Name: Ephriam Yeck Father's Name: Ephriam Yeck
Father's Birthplace: Maryland Father's Birthplace: Maryland
Father's Age: Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Malissa Yeck Mother's Name: Malissa Yeck
Mother's Birthplace: Ohio Mother's Birthplace: Ohio
Mother's Age: Mother's Age:
Christening Date: Christening Date:
Christening Place: Christening Place:
Additional Relatives: Additional Relatives:
Death Date: Death Date:
Death Age: Death Age:
Film Number: 2297926 Film Number: 2297926
Digital Folder Number: 4002199 Digital Folder Number: 4002199
Image Number: 217 Image Number: 217
Frame Number: Frame Number:
Reference Number: item 2 p 88 rn 1940 Reference Number: item 2 p 88 rn 1940
On 3/12/1908, a quit claim deed ( Record 140, Page 483) was filed from JamOn 3/12/1908, a quit claim deed ( Record 140, Page 483) was filed from James Yeck, Ardilow Yeck and his wife Laura, to Wilson Yeck for property in Johnson Co. MO. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
In the 1910 census, Wilson is living with his sister, Mollie Griffey's famIn the 1910 census, Wilson is living with his sister, Mollie Griffey's family as a hired hand in Lathrop Tw'p., Clinton Co. MO. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey
On 9/14/1914, a warranty deed (Record 185, Page 167) was filed from JesOn 9/14/1914, a warranty deed (Record 185, Page 167) was filed from Jesse R., Arthur W. and Blance Ozias to Wilson Yeck for property in Johnson Co. MO. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
1920 United States Federal Census 1920 United States Federal Census
Yeck, Wilson Yeck, Wilson
Age: 49 Year: 1920 Age: 49 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Michigan Roll: T625_930 Birthplace: Michigan Roll: T625_930
Race: White Page: 9A Race: White Page: 9A
State: Missouri ED: 107 State: Missouri ED: 107
County: Johnson Image: 597 County: Johnson Image: 597
Township: Centerview Township: Centerview
1930 United States Federal Census 1930 United States Federal Census
Yeck, Wilson T Yeck, Wilson T
Age: 60 Year: 1930 Age: 60 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_1207 Birthplace: Roll: T626_1207
Race: Page: 9B Race: Page: 9B
State: Missouri ED: 2 State: Missouri ED: 2
County: Johnson Image: 0023 County: Johnson Image: 0023
Township: Centerview Township: Centerview
A grant of letters, record 43, page 204, was filed on 6/12/1933 in the proA grant of letters, record 43, page 204, was filed on 6/12/1933 in the probate court of Johnson Co. MO for the estate of Wilson Yeck who died without a will. His brother, John F. Yeck and his sister, Harriet Wampler were appointed administrators. His heirs were determined to be; sisters Harriet Wampler and Mollie Griffy, his brothers Ardillow and John Yeck, and nephews Herbert and Hubert Yeck. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
On 5/12/1943, a warranty deed (Record 284, Page 172) was filed frOn 5/12/1943, a warranty deed (Record 284, Page 172) was filed from A. C. and Annie Yeck, Mollie Griffy, Harriet and Amos Wampler, Hubert Yeck and Herbert Yeck for property in Johnson Co. MO, which stood in record in the name of Wilson Yeck at the time of his death. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Crowley and daughter, Miss Edith Merle, Mr. and Mrs. LMr. and Mrs. Roy M. Crowley and daughter, Miss Edith Merle, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Walker, Mrs. G. W. Jenkins, and Molly Griffy drove to Warrensburg Monday and attended the funeral of their brother and uncle Wilson Yeck. Mrs. Griffy remained for a few days visit with relatives.
1930 United States Federal Census has 3 matches for:
Viola Kimbro Viola Kimbro
Name: Viola A Kimbro Name: Viola A Kimbro
Age: 66 years Age: 66 years
Estimated birth year: 1863 Estimated birth year: 1863
Birthplace: Birthplace:
Relation to Head-of-house: Wife Relation to Head-of-house: Wife
Race: Race:
Home in 1930: Irving, Montgomery, Illinois Home in 1930: Irving, Montgomery, Illinois
Was living at Rural Route # 3, Hillsboro IL, Montgomery Co. IL in 1935 (siWas living at Rural Route # 3, Hillsboro IL, Montgomery Co. IL in 1935 (signed affidavit for estate of David Yeck-her uncle).
On 3/08/1909, a quit claim deed (Record 140, Page 633) was filed from Wilson Yeck to John F. Yeck for the rights of Ardilow, Wilson and James Yeck, heirs of Melissa Yeck, deceased. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
On 9/14,1914, a warranty deed (Record 185, Page 168) was filed from JessOn 9/14,1914, a warranty deed (Record 185, Page 168) was filed from Jesse, Arthur and Blanche Ozias for property in Johnson Co. MO. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
On 3/19/1917, a warranty deed (Record 193, Page 461) was filed from HarriOn 3/19/1917, a warranty deed (Record 193, Page 461) was filed from Harriet Yeck to John F. Yeck for property in Johnson Co. MO. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
about John Floyd Yeck about John Floyd Yeck
Name: John Floyd Yeck Name: John Floyd Yeck
City: Not Stated City: Not Stated
County: Johnson County: Johnson
State: Missouri State: Missouri
Birth Date: 28 Jul 1879 Birth Date: 28 Jul 1879
Race: White Race: White
Roll: 1683328 Roll: 1683328
DraftBoard: 0 DraftBoard: 0
Nearest relative is James Yeck. Nearest relative is James Yeck.
1920 United States Federal Census 1920 United States Federal Census
Yeck, John Yeck, John
Age: 40 Year: 1920 Age: 40 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Michigan Roll: T625_930 Birthplace: Michigan Roll: T625_930
Race: White Page: 5B Race: White Page: 5B
State: Missouri ED: 107 State: Missouri ED: 107
County: Johnson Image: 590 County: Johnson Image: 590
Township: Centerview Township: Centerview
Niece, Carry Griffy, 32, MO, is also listed in this record.Niece, Carry Griffy, 32, MO, is also listed in this record.
1930 United States Federal Census1930 United States Federal Census
Yeck, John F Yeck, John F
Age: 49 Year: 1930 Age: 49 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Michigan Roll: T626_1207 Birthplace: Michigan Roll: T626_1207
Race: White Page: 9B Race: White Page: 9B
State: Missouri ED: 2 State: Missouri ED: 2
County: Johnson Image: 0023 County: Johnson Image: 0023
Township: Centerview Township: Centerview
On 6/12/1933, John F. Yeck was living in Centerview, Johnson Co. MO. FrOn 6/12/1933, John F. Yeck was living in Centerview, Johnson Co. MO. From the estate papers of Wilson Yeck, filed on 6/12/1933 in Johnson Co. MO. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
John F. Yeck filed a will, dated 8/30/1934, record J, page 455, in the proJohn F. Yeck filed a will, dated 8/30/1934, record J, page 455, in the probate court of Johnson Co. MO. In his will he states that he is the son of Ephraim and Melissa Patch Yeck. His heirs are his brother Ardella (Ardillow), his sisters Harriet Wampler, Mollie Griffey and his nephews Herbert and Hubert, sons of his brother James, deceased. Copy of will held by Benjamin Kinsey.
John F. Yeck was living in Johnson Co. Missouri on 8/26/1935 ( affidavJohn F. Yeck was living in Johnson Co. Missouri on 8/26/1935 ( affidavit in estate of David Yeck-his uncle). Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
John F. Yeck, 68 years of age, passed away at his home near Centerview, MJohn F. Yeck, 68 years of age, passed away at his home near Centerview, MO, Friday May 30, after almost a year's illness with cancer. His boyhood home was near Turney, MO. He later moved to Johnson County and spent the remainder of his life on the same farm.
The body was brought to Plattsburg Sunday for interment in the church of tThe body was brought to Plattsburg Sunday for interment in the church of the Brethren Cemetery.
Mr. Yeck was a brother of Mrs. Mollie Griffey and an uncle of Mrs. DorsMr. Yeck was a brother of Mrs. Mollie Griffey and an uncle of Mrs. Dorsey Walker and Mrs. W. Jenkins of Lathrop.
1930 United States Federal Census
Yeck Yeck
Name: Charles Yeck Name: Charles Yeck
Age: 58 years Age: 58 years
Estimated birth year: 1871 Estimated birth year: 1871
Birthplace: Ohio Birthplace: Ohio
Relation to Head-of-house: Head Relation to Head-of-house: Head
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1930: Liberty, Logan, Ohio Home in 1930: Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Charles was living in Logan Co. OH on 8/24/1935 (affidavit in estate of DaCharles was living in Logan Co. OH on 8/24/1935 (affidavit in estate of David Yeck-his uncle).
Charles is listed on monument with Louis Yeck.Charles is listed on monument with Louis Yeck.
Ohio Deaths, 1958-69Ohio Deaths, 1958-69
Death Date: 12 June 1959 Age: 88 Death Date: 12 June 1959 Age: 88
Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Residence: , Logan Coun Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Residence: , Logan Coun
Gender: Male Race: White Gender: Male Race: White
Marital Status: Never Married Certificate: 42601 Marital Status: Never Married Certificate: 42601
Volume: 15811 Volume: 15811
Martha seems to have been born in 1838 in the 1900 OH census. On her tomstone it says 1837. On her marriage license, Burgess is spelled with the German double s.
Individual: Yeck, Martella
Birth date: Feb 21, 1908Birth date: Feb 21, 1908
Death date: Feb 1986Death date: Feb 1986
Social Security #: 461-32-6870Social Security #: 461-32-6870
Last residence: Argyle, TX 76226Last residence: Argyle, TX 76226
State of issue: TXState of issue: TX
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Apr 13, 2000, Internal Ref. #]
Texas Deaths, 1964-98 Texas Deaths, 1964-98
Surname Given Name Middle Name Suffix Death Date Social Security Number SpSurname Given Name Middle Name Suffix Death Date Social Security Number Spouse's Surname Spouse's Given Name Spouse's Middle Name Spouse's Suffix Death County Gender Marital Status
Yeck Sarah Martella 12 February 198Yeck Sarah Martella 12 February 1986 DENTON F
Yeck, Sarah Martella 12-Feb-1986 F Yeck, Sarah Martella 12-Feb-1986 F
Lyons, Allie B
Age: 69 Year: 1930 Age: 69 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Roll: T626_97 Birthplace: Roll: T626_97
Race: Page: 2B Race: Page: 2B
State: Arkansas ED: 21 State: Arkansas ED: 21
County: Washington Image: 0548 County: Washington Image: 0548
Township: Fayetteville Township: Fayetteville
Relationship: Mother Relationship: Mother
Alice is living with her son, Harry and daughter, Dawn in this census recoAlice is living with her son, Harry and daughter, Dawn in this census record.
Allie Bell Lyons Allie Bell Lyons
Birth: 13 September 1860-- Logan, West Liberty, OH Birth: 13 September 1860-- Logan, West Liberty, OH
Death: Death:
10 November 1938 -- Fayetteville, Washington, AR 10 November 1938 -- Fayetteville, Washington, AR
Spouse: Allie Bell Lyons Spouse: Allie Bell Lyons
Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Catharine Amanda Mops Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Catharine Amanda Mops
Was living in Fayetteville Ark. on 9/24/1935 (signed affidavit in estaWas living in Fayetteville Ark. on 9/24/1935 (signed affidavit in estate of David Yeck-her uncle).
Lyons, G F
Age: 69 Year: 1920 Age: 69 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_84 Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_84
Race: White Page: 13A Race: White Page: 13A
State: Arkansas ED: 147 State: Arkansas ED: 147
County: Washington Image: 628 County: Washington Image: 628
Township: Fayetteville Township: Fayetteville
Wife, Allie B., and children, Deane, Harry, Owen and Dawn are also listWife, Allie B., and children, Deane, Harry, Owen and Dawn are also listed in this census record.
Shown as Ralph in the 1900 OH census. Shown as Alpha in the 1910 OH census.
Yeck, Alpha Yeck, Alpha
Age: 40 Year: 1920 Age: 40 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353 Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353
Race: White Page: 3A Race: White Page: 3A
State: Ohio ED: 80 State: Ohio ED: 80
County: Clark Image: 1085 County: Clark Image: 1085
Township: Springfield Township: Springfield
1930 United States Federal Census 1930 United States Federal Census
Alpha Yeck In Ohio Alpha Yeck In Ohio
Name: Alpha Yeck Name: Alpha Yeck
Age: 56 years Age: 56 years
Estimated birth year: 1873 Estimated birth year: 1873
Birthplace: Birthplace:
Relation to Head-of-house: Brother Relation to Head-of-house: Brother
Race: Race:
Home in 1930: Liberty, Logan, Ohio Home in 1930: Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Was living in Logan Co. OH on 8/24/1935 (affidavit in estate of David YeckWas living in Logan Co. OH on 8/24/1935 (affidavit in estate of David Yeck-his uncle).
1900 United States Federal Census Record
about Harley Yeck about Harley Yeck
Name: Harley Yeck Name: Harley Yeck
Home in 1900: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois Home in 1900: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois
Age: 3 Age: 3
Estimated birth year: abt 1897 Estimated birth year: abt 1897
Birthplace: Illinois Birthplace: Illinois
Race: White Race: White
Relationship to head-of-house: Son Relationship to head-of-house: Son
Image source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; RoImage source: Year: 1900; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: T623 237; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 6
The record of Harley Yeck's entrance into the draft for WW1 is locatThe record of Harley Yeck's entrance into the draft for WW1 is located at
Civilian Draft Registration Database found at Rootsweb.Civilian Draft Registration Database found at Rootsweb.
Yeck Harley Ames 10 Apr 1897 W Greenville IL Modoc CA Yeck Harley Ames 10 Apr 1897 W Greenville IL Modoc CA
WWI Civilian Draft Registrations WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Yeck, Harley Ames Yeck, Harley Ames
Birth Date: 10 Apr 1897 Ethnicity: W Birth Date: 10 Apr 1897 Ethnicity: W
Birth Place: Greenville IL City/County: Modoc Birth Place: Greenville IL City/County: Modoc
State: CA State: CA
1920 United States Federal Census Record 1920 United States Federal Census Record
about H A Yack about H A Yack
Name: H A Yack Name: H A Yack
Age: 22 years Age: 22 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1898 Estimated birth year: abt 1898
Birthplace: Illinois Birthplace: Illinois
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1920: Goose Lake, Modoc, California Home in 1920: Goose Lake, Modoc, California
Home owned: Rent Home owned: Rent
Sex: Male Sex: Male
Marital status: Married Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head Relation to Head of House: Head
Able to read: Yes Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes Able to Write: Yes
Mother's Birth Place: Illinois Mother's Birth Place: Illinois
Father's Birth Place: Illinois Father's Birth Place: Illinois
Image: 101 Image: 101
Image Source: Year: 1920; Census Place: Goose Lake, Modoc, California; RolImage Source: Year: 1920; Census Place: Goose Lake, Modoc, California; Roll: T625_122; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 50; Image: 101
Wife, Mary F., 17, ID is also listed in this record. Wife, Mary F., 17, ID is also listed in this record.
Land Record record for HARLEY A YECKLand Record record for HARLEY A YECK
Date: 06 Aug 1926Date: 06 Aug 1926
Location: CA, ModocLocation: CA, Modoc
Document #: 983564Document #: 983564
Serial #: CAS 0016209Serial #: CAS 0016209
Sale Type: HomesteadSale Type: Homestead
Meridian or Watershed: MDMeridian or Watershed: MD
Parcel: Township 042N, Range 011E, Section 27 Parcel: Township 042N, Range 011E, Section 27
Date: 06 Aug 1926Date: 06 Aug 1926
Location: CA, ModocLocation: CA, Modoc
Document #: 983564Document #: 983564
Serial #: CAS 0016209Serial #: CAS 0016209
Sale Type: HomesteadSale Type: Homestead
Meridian or Watershed: MDMeridian or Watershed: MD
Parcel: Township 042N, Range 011E, Section 33Parcel: Township 042N, Range 011E, Section 33
Date: 06 Aug 1926Date: 06 Aug 1926
Location: CA, ModocLocation: CA, Modoc
Document #: 983564Document #: 983564
Serial #: CAS 0016209Serial #: CAS 0016209
Sale Type: HomesteadSale Type: Homestead
Meridian or Watershed: MDMeridian or Watershed: MD
Parcel: Township 042N, Range 011E, Section 34 Parcel: Township 042N, Range 011E, Section 34
1930 United States Federal Census Record 1930 United States Federal Census Record
about Harley A Yeck about Harley A Yeck
Name: Harley A Yeck Name: Harley A Yeck
Age: 33 Age: 33
Estimated birth year: abt 1897 Estimated birth year: abt 1897
Birthplace: Illinois Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to head-of-house: Head Relation to head-of-house: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary F Yeck Spouse's Name: Mary F Yeck
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1930: Alturas, Modoc, California Home in 1930: Alturas, Modoc, California
Image source: Year: 1930; Census Place: Alturas, Modoc, California; RolImage source: Year: 1930; Census Place: Alturas, Modoc, California; Roll: 177; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 499.0
Mary F Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1903 Wife Mary F Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1903 Wife
Vivian D Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1921 Daughter Vivian D Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1921 Daughter
Viola D Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1924 Daughter Viola D Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1924 Daughter
Velma Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1925 Daughter Velma Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1925 Daughter
Pauline Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1927 Daughter Pauline Yeck Alturas, Modoc, CA abt 1927 Daughter
California Deaths, 1940-97 California Deaths, 1940-97
Surname Given Name Middle Name Sex Birth Date Death Date Birth Place DeaSurname Given Name Middle Name Sex Birth Date Death Date Birth Place Death Place Social Security # Mother's Maiden Name Father's Surname
Individual: Yeck, HarleyIndividual: Yeck, Harley
Birth date: Apr 10, 1897Birth date: Apr 10, 1897
Death date: Nov 1979Death date: Nov 1979
Social Security #: 558-14-1947Social Security #: 558-14-1947
Last residence: CA 95667Last residence: CA 95667
State of issue: CAState of issue: CA
Zip of last payment: 95667Zip of last payment: 95667
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Aug 10, 1999, Internal Ref. #]
Harley Ames Yeck, Sr, 82, of Placerville died Nov. 15 at a local hospitaHarley Ames Yeck, Sr, 82, of Placerville died Nov. 15 at a local hospital. He was born in Greenville, ILL. and lived 33 years in El Dorado Co. He was a night watchman and a World War 1 veteran. Mr. Yeck is survived by his wife, Daisy F. Yeck of Placerville: five daughters: Vivian D. Grimm of Texas, Viola D. Beckett of Missouri, Velma D. Clark of Oregon, Pauline Minnerup of New Mexico and Betty B. Blagg of Lockeford: three sons: Harley A. Yeck of Robbins, Bennie L. Yeck of Sacramento and Ivan Paul Yeck of Placerville; a sister, Vivian Bailes of Oregon, 33 grandchildren and 29 great grandchildren. A funeral was held Tuesday, Nov. 20 2 p. m. at Memory Chapel. Pastor James C. Upshaw of the Federated Church and members of the American Legion Post 119 officiated. Internment was at Westwood Memorial Park.
Page A-4, The Mountain Times-Democrat-Placerville CA, Wednesday, NovembPage A-4, The Mountain Times-Democrat-Placerville CA, Wednesday, November 21, 1979
This obituary was provided through the courtesy of cousin Steven Ye This obituary was provided through the courtesy of cousin Steven Yeck on 10 Sept., 2005.
Listed as Vlin in 1900 census.
Yeck, Vernon Yeck, Vernon
Age: Year: 1920 Age: Year: 1920
Birthplace: NA Roll: T625_1495 Birthplace: NA Roll: T625_1495
Race: W Page: 2A Race: W Page: 2A
State: Oregon ED: 113 State: Oregon ED: 113
County: Lake Image: 576 County: Lake Image: 576
Township: Summer Lake Township: Summer Lake
Yeck, Vernon Yeck, Vernon
Age: 35 Year: 1930 Age: 35 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T626_122 Birthplace: Illinois Roll: T626_122
Race: White Page: 1A Race: White Page: 1A
State: California ED: 63 State: California ED: 63
County: Kern Image: 0404 County: Kern Image: 0404
Township: Tupman Township: Tupman
Relationship: Head Relationship: Head
Individual: Yeck, VernIndividual: Yeck, Vern
Birth date: Oct 3, 1894Birth date: Oct 3, 1894
Death date: Jan 1973Death date: Jan 1973
Social Security #: 562-26-0240Social Security #: 562-26-0240
Last residence: CA 93060Last residence: CA 93060
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Aug 10, 1999, Internal Ref. #]
State of issue: CAState of issue: CA
Yeck, Don J
Age: 27 Year: 1920 Age: 27 Year: 1920
Birthplace: IL Roll: T625_1504 Birthplace: IL Roll: T625_1504
Race: W Page: 6A Race: W Page: 6A
State: Oregon ED: 213 State: Oregon ED: 213
County: Wasco Image: 318 County: Wasco Image: 318
Township: Shaniko Township: Shaniko
1930 United States Federal Census Record 1930 United States Federal Census Record
about Don J Yack about Don J Yack
Name: Don J Yack Name: Don J Yack
Age: 38 Age: 38
Estimated birth year: abt 1892 Estimated birth year: abt 1892
Birthplace: Illinois Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to head-of-house: Head Relation to head-of-house: Head
Spouse's Name: Marcia Yack Spouse's Name: Marcia Yack
Race: White Race: White
Home in 1930: Center, Hood River, Oregon Home in 1930: Center, Hood River, Oregon
Image source: Year: 1930; Census Place: Center, Hood River, Oregon; RolImage source: Year: 1930; Census Place: Center, Hood River, Oregon; Roll: 1942; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 1037.0.
Wife, Marcia, 40, OR is also listed in this record.Wife, Marcia, 40, OR is also listed in this record.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Inde[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Aug 9, 1999, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Yeck, DonIndividual: Yeck, Don
Birth date: Jan 17, 1892Birth date: Jan 17, 1892
Death date: Dec 1971Death date: Dec 1971
Social Security #: 544-07-5652Social Security #: 544-07-5652
Last residence: OR 97031Last residence: OR 97031
State of issue: ORState of issue: OR
Name: Yeck, Don J Name: Yeck, Don J
County: Hood RiverCounty: Hood River
Death Date: 08 Dec 1971Death Date: 08 Dec 1971
Certificate: 71-18647Certificate: 71-18647
Birth Date: - Jan 1892Birth Date: - Jan 1892
Don J. Yeck, 79, died Wednesday, Dec. 8, and at press time funeral Don J. Yeck, 79, died Wednesday, Dec. 8, and at press time funeral
services were pending. He was an employe of Oregon Lumber Co. for aboservices were pending. He was an employe of Oregon Lumber Co. for about 40
years until his retirement. Mr. Yeck and his wife, who died May 28, had liyears until his retirement. Mr. Yeck and his wife, who died May 28, had lived
at Rt. 3 Box 1153 for 50 years. The hill in front of their home, knoat Rt. 3 Box 1153 for 50 years. The hill in front of their home, kno
Yeck hill, was a famous sliding place for youngsters.Yeck hill, was a famous sliding place for youngsters.
Mr. Yeck was born Jan. 17, 1892, in Grenville, Ill. He is surviv Mr. Yeck was born Jan. 17, 1892, in Grenville, Ill. He is survived by
two brothers, Harley and Vern; a sister, Vivian Bailes; and a nephew, Patwo brothers, Harley and Vern; a sister, Vivian Bailes; and a nephew, Paul
From the Hood River News, 9 Dec. 1971.From the Hood River News, 9 Dec. 1971.
This obit was provided through the courtesy of Kathy from Hood River CoThis obit was provided through the courtesy of Kathy from Hood River Co., OR.
Is listed as Emanuel on his tombstone.
1920 United States Federal Census Record
about Miles O Yeck about Miles O Yeck
Name: Miles O YeckName: Miles O Yeck
[Mies O Yeck] [Mies O Yeck]
Home in 1920: East Ault, Weld, Colorado Home in 1920: East Ault, Weld, Colorado
Age: 49 years Age: 49 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871
BirthPlace: Illinois BirthPlace: Illinois
Relation to Head of House: Head Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouses's Name: Sarah M Spouses's Name: Sarah M
Father's Birth Place: Maryland Father's Birth Place: Maryland
Mother's Birth Place: New Jersey Mother's Birth Place: New Jersey
Marital status: Married Marital status: Married
Race: White Race: White
Sex: Male Sex: Male
Home owned: Own Home owned: Own
Able to read: Yes Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes Able to Write: Yes
Image: 925 Image: 925
Household Members: Name Age Household Members: Name Age
Miles O Yeck 49 Miles O Yeck 49
Sarah M Yeck 47 Sarah M Yeck 47
J Orval Yeck 19 J Orval Yeck 19
Lena A Yeck 13 Lena A Yeck 13
Ive A Yeck 9 Ive A Yeck 9
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: East Ault, Weld, Colorado; RolSource Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: East Ault, Weld, Colorado; Roll: T625_172; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 253; Image: 925
In Greely CO in 1924. In Greely CO in 1924.
1930 United States Federal Census Record 1930 United States Federal Census Record
about Miles Yeck about Miles Yeck
Name: Miles Yeck Name: Miles Yeck
Home in 1930: Greeley, Weld, Colorado Home in 1930: Greeley, Weld, Colorado
Age: 59 Age: 59
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871
BirthPlace: Illinois BirthPlace: Illinois
Relation to Head of House: Head Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouses's Name: Sarah Spouses's Name: Sarah
Race: White Race: White
Parents' Birthplace: View Image Parents' Birthplace: View Image
Neighbors: View others on page Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age Household Members: Name Age
Miles Yeck 59 Miles Yeck 59
Sarah Yeck 58 Sarah Yeck 58
Iva Yeck 19 Iva Yeck 19
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Greeley, Weld, Colorado; RolSource Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Greeley, Weld, Colorado; Roll: 252; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 98; Image: 591.0
Miles was in Greely CO. on 8/06/1935 (signed affidavit for estate of DavMiles was in Greely CO. on 8/06/1935 (signed affidavit for estate of David Yeck-his uncle).
Weld County Master IndexWeld County Master Index
This index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sourcThis index has been compiled by Jacquelyn A Glavinick from various sources pertaining to Weld County, Colorado.
YECK M O . . . . . . . . . 034. . . . CemBk1YECK M O . . . . . . . . . 034. . . . CemBk1
YECK M.O. . . . . . . . .08-09-63. . . . IFONC1915YECK M.O. . . . . . . . .08-09-63. . . . IFONC1915
YECK Miles . . . . . . .027a. . . . CemBk1YECK Miles . . . . . . .027a. . . . CemBk1
YECK Miles O . . . . . 027. . . . CemBk1YECK Miles O . . . . . 027. . . . CemBk1
YECK Miles O. . . . . .1/11/1915 - 8/9/63 . . . . .418-87. . . . PatentsYECK Miles O. . . . . .1/11/1915 - 8/9/63 . . . . .418-87. . . . Patents
YECK Miles O. . . . . .39. . . . . . 220*. . . . 1910cenYECK Miles O. . . . . .39. . . . . . 220*. . . . 1910cen
Miles O. Yeck of 405 6th. St. Husband of Mrs. Sarah M. Yeck. FathMiles O. Yeck of 405 6th. St. Husband of Mrs. Sarah M. Yeck. Father of B. O. Yeck of Big Piney, Wyo., J. O. Yeck of Band Springs Okla., Mrs. Alma Snyder, Mrs. Lena Van Gorder and Miss Iva Yeck, all of Greeley. Brother of Mrs. Blanche Wright of Mulberry Grove ILL., J. G. Yeck of Tower Hill ILL and L. G. Yeck of Greenville ILL. Services 2 p. m. from Macy's draw cemetery. "Greeley Tribune" 10 June 1954
This obituary was supplied through the courtesy of Weld Co., CO, look up vThis obituary was supplied through the courtesy of Weld Co., CO, look up volunteer, Gary Thompson.
Miles O. Yeck of 405 6th. Street. Services 2 p. m. from Macy's drawing rooMiles O. Yeck of 405 6th. Street. Services 2 p. m. from Macy's drawing room. Interment Ault. Cemetery.
"Greeley Tribune" 11 June 1954"Greeley Tribune" 11 June 1954
This obituary was supplied through the courtesy of Weld Co., CO, look up vThis obituary was supplied through the courtesy of Weld Co., CO, look up volunteer, Gary Thompson.
Gene Pool Individual RecordsGene Pool Individual Records
Miles Oscar Yeck Miles Oscar Yeck
Birth: 12 May 1870-- Bond, Woburn, IL Birth: 12 May 1870-- Bond, Woburn, IL
Death: 9 June 1954 -- Greeley, Weld, CO Death: 9 June 1954 -- Greeley, Weld, CO
Spouse: Sarah Margret Hickman Spouse: Sarah Margret Hickman
Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Susanna Smith Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Susanna Smith
The 1900 MuIberry Township, Bond Co. IL shows Edwards birthdate as 12/1867 and he is 32 years old.
In Pasadena CA in 1924. In Pasadena CA in 1924.
Yeck, Edward A Yeck, Edward A
Age: 52 Year: 1920 Age: 52 Year: 1920
Birthplace: IL Roll: T625_1495 Birthplace: IL Roll: T625_1495
Race: W Page: 7A Race: W Page: 7A
State: Oregon ED: 182 State: Oregon ED: 182
County: Jackson Image: 234 County: Jackson Image: 234
Township: Gold Hill Township: Gold Hill
Edward's daughter, Lena, is also listed in this census record. Edward's daughter, Lena, is also listed in this census record.
Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey. Copy held by Benjamin Kinsey.
He is in Hood River Oregon on 8/30/1935 (affidavit in estate of David YeckHe is in Hood River Oregon on 8/30/1935 (affidavit in estate of David Yeck-his uncle).
California Death Index, 1940-1997 California Death Index, 1940-1997
Surname Given Name Middle Name Sex Birth Date Death Date Birth PlaSurname Given Name Middle Name Sex Birth Date Death Date Birth Place Death Place Social Security # Mother's Maiden Name Father's Surname
Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916–1950
Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/
Race Age Cert # DeathRace Age Cert # Death
Date County City DateDate County City Date
Filed Filed
YECK MARY A F/W UNK 0030018 1925-01-12 BOND MULBERRY GROYECK MARY A F/W UNK 0030018 1925-01-12 BOND MULBERRY GROVE TWP 25-01-13
Gene Pool Individual Records
Lewis William Yeck Lewis William Yeck
Birth: October 1858-- Logan, West Liberty, OH Birth: October 1858-- Logan, West Liberty, OH
Death: Death:
6 May 1920 -- 6 May 1920 --
Spouse: Spouse:
Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Catharine Amanda Mops Parents: Jonathon Yeck, Catharine Amanda Mops
Yeck, Louis W Yeck, Louis W
Age: 61 Year: 1920 Age: 61 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_297 Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_297
Race: White Page: 2A Race: White Page: 2A
State: Illinois ED: 7 State: Illinois ED: 7
County: Bond Image: 358 County: Bond Image: 358
Township: Lagrange Township: Lagrange
Wife, Mary, 71, IL is also listed in this record.Wife, Mary, 71, IL is also listed in this record.
Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916–1950Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916–1950
Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/
Race Age Cert # DeathRace Age Cert # Death
Date County City DateDate County City Date
Filed Filed
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