Genealogy Data Page 14 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Mann Theodoras [Female] b. 9 AUG 1703 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 1 SEP 1703 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

A listing of Theodoras's death can be found on page 32, Deaths in Wrentham, vol. 3, 1849, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-1994 Theodores can be found in the "Man or Mann Genealogy", vol. 13, page 326, of The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-1994.

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Mann Phebe [Female] b. 16 FEB 1705/06 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 7 MAY 1790 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

A listing of Phebe's death date is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA to 1850, Vol. 1, page 456.

Family Tree Maker Online:, The Hist. and Geneal. of Family Tree Maker Online:, The Hist. and Geneal. of
the Descendants of John Guild of Dedham, MA by Calvin Guild, Providence the Descendants of John Guild of Dedham, MA by Calvin Guild, Providence
Press Co., Providence, RI, 1867, pg 95-97: Press Co., Providence, RI, 1867, pg 95-97:
The following is Mrs. Phebe Guild's last will and testament:-- The following is Mrs. Phebe Guild's last will and testament:--
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. The twenty-first day of April, in the year of IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. The twenty-first day of April, in the year of
our Lord seventeen hundred eighty-five. I, Phebe Guild, of Wrentham, in our Lord seventeen hundred eighty-five. I, Phebe Guild, of Wrentham, in
the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind and memory, (thanks be to being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind and memory, (thanks be to
God for it,) calling to mind my own mortality, and knowing that it is God for it,) calling to mind my own mortality, and knowing that it is
appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will
and testament, in manner and form following, viz.:-- and testament, in manner and form following, viz.:--
Principally, and first of all, I give and recommend my soul to the Principally, and first of all, I give and recommend my soul to the
sovereign and merciful God who gave it, hoping that, through the active sovereign and merciful God who gave it, hoping that, through the active
and passive merits of Jesus Christ, to have the full pardon and and passive merits of Jesus Christ, to have the full pardon and
forgiveness of all my sins, and to inherit eternal life. My body I commforgiveness of all my sins, and to inherit eternal life. My body I comm
to the earth, to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor, nto the earth, to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor, n
doubting that at the general judgment I shall receive the same again by doubting that at the general judgment I shall receive the same again by
the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewithe mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewi
hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and dispose of the sahath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and dispose of the sa
in the following manner, viz.: in the following manner, viz.:
Imprimis. I will that all those debts and dues which I owe to any person Imprimis. I will that all those debts and dues which I owe to any person
or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly paid by my executor in or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly paid by my executor in
convenient time after my decease. convenient time after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto the Rev. John Guild, in the State of New Item. I give and bequeath unto the Rev. John Guild, in the State of New
Jersey, Benjamin Guild, Esq., and Deacon Ebenezer Guild, of Franklin, Jersey, Benjamin Guild, Esq., and Deacon Ebenezer Guild, of Franklin,
sons of my late husband by his first wife, the sum of three poundsons of my late husband by his first wife, the sum of three pound
paid by my executor in one year after my decease, to be equally divided paid by my executor in one year after my decease, to be equally divided
between them. between them.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Esther Prince, of Boston, the sum of Item. I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Esther Prince, of Boston, the sum of
two pounds, to be paid by my executor, in one year after my decease. two pounds, to be paid by my executor, in one year after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Samuel Guild, the sum of Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Samuel Guild, the sum of
twelve pounds, to be paid by my executor, in one year after my decease; twelve pounds, to be paid by my executor, in one year after my decease;
my second best bed and bedding, my silver shoe buckles, and one-fifth my second best bed and bedding, my silver shoe buckles, and one-fifth
part of my books, in full for his part and portion of my estate. part of my books, in full for his part and portion of my estate.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Daniel, the sum of seven Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Daniel, the sum of seven
pounds, to be paid by my executor in one year after my decease; my bed pounds, to be paid by my executor in one year after my decease; my bed
and bedding which I have at my son Timothy Guild's, my silver spoon, and bedding which I have at my son Timothy Guild's, my silver spoon,
one-fifth part of my books, and my cupboard, in full for his share and one-fifth part of my books, and my cupboard, in full for his share and
portion of my estate. portion of my estate.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Abigail Hawes, the sItem. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Abigail Hawes, the s
of seven pounds, to be paid by my executor, in one year after my deceasof seven pounds, to be paid by my executor, in one year after my deceas
one-third part of my wearing apparel, one-fifth part of my books, and one-third part of my wearing apparel, one-fifth part of my books, and
one-quarter part of my other estate not particularly given away. one-quarter part of my other estate not particularly given away.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Phebe Messenger, Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Phebe Messenger,
four-fifths part of about forty acres of undivided land lying on the four-fifths part of about forty acres of undivided land lying on the
westerly side of Birch Meadows Brook, which was given to me in the last westerly side of Birch Meadows Brook, which was given to me in the last
will of my father, Theodore Man, deceased; one third part of my wearing will of my father, Theodore Man, deceased; one third part of my wearing
apparel, one-fifth part of my books, and seven pounds in money, to be apparel, one-fifth part of my books, and seven pounds in money, to be
paid to her by my exceutor in one year after my decease, and one-quarter paid to her by my exceutor in one year after my decease, and one-quarter
part of my other estate not partie ularly given away. part of my other estate not partie ularly given away.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Mary Grant the sum of Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Mary Grant the sum of
seven pounds in money, to be paid to her by my executor in one year aftseven pounds in money, to be paid to her by my executor in one year aft
my decease; one-third part of my wearing apparel one-fifth part of my my decease; one-third part of my wearing apparel one-fifth part of my
books, and one-quarter part of other estate no particularly given away. books, and one-quarter part of other estate no particularly given away.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Timothy Guild my right in Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Timothy Guild my right in
Wrentham Library, and one-quarter part of my other estate not Wrentham Library, and one-quarter part of my other estate not
particularly given away. particularly given away.
Furthermore, I constitute, appoint and ordain Timothy Guild above Furthermore, I constitute, appoint and ordain Timothy Guild above
written, the sole executor of this my last will and testament awritten, the sole executor of this my last will and testament a

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Mann Theodore [Male] b. 6 MAR 1707/08 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Many of Theodore's descendants have the surname of Man.

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

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Mann Sarah [Female] b. 6 MAY 1714 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 15 NOV 1798 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

A listing of Sarah's death record is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA to 1850, Vol. 2, page 432.

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Mann Daniel [Male] b. 8 SEP 1716 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 19 OCT 1719 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

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Mann Beriah [Female] b. 27 APR 1719 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 12 MAY 1755 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Listed in "The Genealogy of the Kingsbury Family", page 340

Massachusetts Vital Records Transcriptions, Massachusetts Vital RecorMassachusetts Vital Records Transcriptions, Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850
1755 KINGSBURY Beriah, w. of Daniel, May 12, 1755. Death Wrent1755 KINGSBURY Beriah, w. of Daniel, May 12, 1755. Death Wrentham

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Mann Thomas Deacon [Male] b. 11 OCT 1721 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 19 MAR 1807 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. (Continued.)
[Mann Family.][Mann Family.]
Thomas Mann, who was a deacon of the Wrentham church, was a son of TheodorThomas Mann, who was a deacon of the Wrentham church, was a son of Theodore. He m. the daughter of James Blake, in 1744, and had nine children.

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

The death date of Thomas is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, NorfoThe death date of Thomas is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA to 1850, Vol. 2, page 472.

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Mann Jerusha [Female] b. 12 NOV 1724 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 6 NOV 1762 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
GEROULD, Jerusha (Mann) GEROULD, Jerusha (Mann)
Birth Date: 1724 Birth Place: Birth Date: 1724 Birth Place:
Volume: 62 Page Number: 26 Volume: 62 Page Number: 26
Reference: Genealogy of the fam. Of Gamaliel Gerould. By Sam. Lankton G Reference: Genealogy of the fam. Of Gamaliel Gerould. By Sam. Lankton Gerould

GEROULD, Jerusha GEROULD, Jerusha
Death Date: Nov. 6, 1762 Burial Place: Wrentham Death Date: Nov. 6, 1762 Burial Place: Wrentham
Relative: Age: Relative: Age:
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Complete Record: GEROULD, Jerusha, w. of Gamaliel, Nov. 6, 1762. Complete Record: GEROULD, Jerusha, w. of Gamaliel, Nov. 6, 1762.

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Aldis Hannah [Female] b. 19 FEB 1685/86 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 29 OCT 1756 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
ALDIS, Hannah ALDIS, Hannah
Birth Date: Feb. 19, 1686 Sex: F Birth Date: Feb. 19, 1686 Sex: F
Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Father's Name: John Father's Name: John
Mother's Name: Mary Mother's Name: Mary

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS. Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

The following information was taken from gravestones in the Union Street CThe following information was taken from gravestones in the Union Street Cemetery, Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA on 12 August, 2004 and was supplied through the courtesy of cousin Earle Stewart and his friend Gog. In memory of Mrs Hannah Man wife of Thomas man died Oct. 29 1752 in ye 70th year"

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Mann Hannah [Female] b. 3 MAR 1710/11 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 25 AUG 1801 Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
about Hannah Manabout Hannah Man
Name: Hannah ManName: Hannah Man
Birth Date: 3 Mar 1710Birth Date: 3 Mar 1710
Birth Place: WrenthamBirth Place: Wrentham
Father's First Name: ThomasFather's First Name: Thomas
Mother's First Name: HannahMother's First Name: Hannah
Gender: FemaleGender: Female
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham

A listing of Hannah's death date is found in the Vital Records of BellinghA listing of Hannah's death date is found in the Vital Records of Bellingham, Norfolk Co., MA , page 219.

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Mann Esther [Female] b. 19 AUG 1712 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
about Esther Manabout Esther Man
Name: Esther ManName: Esther Man
Birth Date: 19 Aug 1712Birth Date: 19 Aug 1712
Birth Place: WrenthamBirth Place: Wrentham
Father's First Name: ThomasFather's First Name: Thomas
Mother's First Name: HannahMother's First Name: Hannah
Gender: FemaleGender: Female
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham

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Mann Rachel [Female] b. 8 JUL 1714 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 8 JUN 1754 Wrentham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

The birth date for Rachel is found in the Vital Records for Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA, to the end of 1849, Vol. 1, page 140.

The death date for Rachel is found in the Vital Records for Wrentham, NorfThe death date for Rachel is found in the Vital Records for Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA, to the end of 1849, Vol. 2, page 464.

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Mann Nathan Dec. [Male] b. 15 OCT 1716 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 4 MAY 1781 Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
about Nathan Manabout Nathan Man
Name: Nathan ManName: Nathan Man
Birth Date: 15 Oct 1716Birth Date: 15 Oct 1716
Birth Place: WrenthamBirth Place: Wrentham
Father's First Name: ThomasFather's First Name: Thomas
Mother's First Name: HannahMother's First Name: Hannah
Gender: MaleGender: Male
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

A listing of Nathan's death date is found in the Vital Records of FrankliA listing of Nathan's death date is found in the Vital Records of Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA to 1872, page 143.

The following information was taken from gravestones in the Union Street CThe following information was taken from gravestones in the Union Street Cemetery, Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA on 12 August, 2004 and was supplied through the courtesy of cousin Earle Stewart and his friend Gog.
"In memory of Dec. Nathan Mann who died May ye 4th 1781 aged 65 yrs.""In memory of Dec. Nathan Mann who died May ye 4th 1781 aged 65 yrs."

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Mann Ruth [Female] b. 15 JAN 1719/20 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
about Ruth Manabout Ruth Man
Name: Ruth ManName: Ruth Man
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1719Birth Date: 15 Jan 1719
Birth Place: WrenthamBirth Place: Wrentham
Father's First Name: ThomasFather's First Name: Thomas
Mother's First Name: HannahMother's First Name: Hannah
Gender: FemaleGender: Female
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham

The Elisha Ware chart states that Lucy married her uncle, Benjamin RockwooThe Elisha Ware chart states that Lucy married her uncle, Benjamin Rockwood, but this program shows him as the husband of a cousin, Ruth Mann.

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Mann Hepzibah [Female] b. 7 MAY 1722 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. AFT 1762

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
MAN, Hepsaba MAN, Hepsaba
Birth Date: May 7, 1722 Sex: F Birth Date: May 7, 1722 Sex: F
Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Father's Name: Thomas Father's Name: Thomas
Mother's Name: Hannah Mother's Name: Hannah

A Hepzibah Metcalf married a Ichabod Ammidon on 5 Dec., 1771 in WrenthaA Hepzibah Metcalf married a Ichabod Ammidon on 5 Dec., 1771 in Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA. This marriage is found in the Vital records of Wrentham, Norfolk Co., Ma, vol. 2, page 244.

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Mann Mary [Female] b. 15 JUL 1725 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 14 FEB 1789 Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
about Mary Manabout Mary Man
Name: Mary ManName: Mary Man
Birth Date: 15 Jul 1725Birth Date: 15 Jul 1725
Birth Place: WrenthamBirth Place: Wrentham
Father's First Name: ThomasFather's First Name: Thomas
Mother's First Name: HannahMother's First Name: Hannah
Gender: FemaleGender: Female
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham

A listing of Mary's birth is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, NorfoA listing of Mary's birth is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA to 1850, Vol. 1, page 139.

A listing of Mary's death is found in the Vital Records of Franklin, NorfoA listing of Mary's death is found in the Vital Records of Franklin, Norfolk Co., MA to 1872, page 145.

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Farrington Jemima [Female] b. 11 MAY 1695 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 24 JAN 1757 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

A listiung of Jemima's birth date is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham, NOrfolk Co., MA to 1850, Vol. 1, page 74.

MAN, Jemima MAN, Jemima
Marriage Place: her 62d y Marriage Place: her 62d y
Marriage Date: Jan. 24, 1757 Marriage Date: Jan. 24, 1757
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Full Text: MAN, Jemima, w. of Lieut. Pelatiah, Jan. 24, 1757, in her 6 Full Text: MAN, Jemima, w. of Lieut. Pelatiah, Jan. 24, 1757, in her 62d y.

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS. Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

Tombstone inscription, viewed and photographed on 17 July 2004 by BenjamTombstone inscription, viewed and photographed on 17 July 2004 by Benjamin Kinsey
In memory of Mrs Jemima Mann Wife of Mr Peletiah Mann Died Jan. 24 17In memory of Mrs Jemima Mann Wife of Mr Peletiah Mann Died Jan. 24 1757 ye 62 year of her life.

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Mann Jemima [Female] b. 21 DEC 1722 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. AFT 3 JAN 1797

MAN, Jemima
Birth Date: Dec. 21, 1722 Sex: F Birth Date: Dec. 21, 1722 Sex: F
Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Father's Name: Pelatiah Father's Name: Pelatiah
Mother's Name: Jemima Mother's Name: Jemima

A listing of Jemima's birth date is found in the Vital Records of WrenthA listing of Jemima's birth date is found in the Vital Records of Wrentham to 1850, Vol. 1, page 139.

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Mann Daniel [Male] b. 29 MAR 1721 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 10 MAY 1759 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

Massachusetts Town Birth Records
about Daniel Manabout Daniel Man
Name: Daniel ManName: Daniel Man
Birth Date: 29 Mar 1721Birth Date: 29 Mar 1721
Birth Place: WrenthamBirth Place: Wrentham
Father's First Name: PelatiahFather's First Name: Pelatiah
Mother's First Name: JemimaMother's First Name: Jemima
Gender: MaleGender: Male
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham

Massachusetts Town Death RecordsMassachusetts Town Death Records
about Daniel Manabout Daniel Man
Name: Daniel ManName: Daniel Man
Death Date: 10 May 1759Death Date: 10 May 1759
Burial Place: WrenthamBurial Place: Wrentham
Source: Vital Records of WrenthamSource: Vital Records of Wrentham
Complete Record: MAN, Daniel, May 10, 1759, in his 39th y. Complete Record: MAN, Daniel, May 10, 1759, in his 39th y.

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

Tombstone inscription, viewed and photographed on 17 July 2004 by BenjamTombstone inscription, viewed and photographed on 17 July 2004 by Benjamin Kinsey
In memory of Mr Daniel Mann who died May ye 10th 1759 in the 39th yeIn memory of Mr Daniel Mann who died May ye 10th 1759 in the 39th year of his life.

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Mann David [Male] b. 30 AUG 1724 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA - d. 12 JAN 1799 Wrentham, Norfolk Co., MA

MAN, David
Birth Date: Aug. 30, 1724 Sex: M Birth Date: Aug. 30, 1724 Sex: M
Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Birth Place: Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Father's Name: Pelatiah Father's Name: Pelatiah
Mother's Name: Jemima Mother's Name: Jemima

MANN, David MANN, David
Death Date: Jan. 12, 1799 Burial Place: Wrentham Death Date: Jan. 12, 1799 Burial Place: Wrentham
Relative: Age: Relative: Age:
Source: Vital Records of Wrentham Source: Vital Records of Wrentham
Complete Record: MANN, David, Jan. 12, 1799, in his 75th y. Complete Record: MANN, David, Jan. 12, 1799, in his 75th y.

Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.Listed in "The Mann Family Tree Chart", held by NEHGS.

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