Genealogy Data Page 391 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Baltz, Geraldine
b. 8 MAY 1906
Gender: Female
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Varus L.
b. 8 DEC 1908
Gender: Male
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Thoris E.
b. 16 NOV 1910
Gender: Male
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Nerton
b. 10 FEB 1913
Gender: Male
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Burton
b. 10 FEB 1913
Gender: Male
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Juana
b. 14 OCT 1915
Gender: Female
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Eugene T.
b. 18 MAY 1918
Gender: Male
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, J. David
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Male
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Baltz, Omaleta
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Baltz, Thomas Albert
Mother: Deatherage, Sarah Paralee
Swiney, Pauline
b. 1905
Gender: Female
Father: Swiney, Benjamin D.
Mother: Deatherage, Mary Leona
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