Index for surnames begining with M (Family Pages)
[MILLS, Jennie Porter] - [Murrow, Abbie]

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.


[M., Ann] - [Mann, Cloycie Elmer]
[Mann, Cloycie Wayne] - [Mann, George]
[Mann, George] - [Mann, Jonathan]
[Mann, Joseph] - [Mann, Nancy Brewster]
[Mann, Naomi] - [Mann, Theodoras]
[Mann, Theodore] - [Meller, William A.]
[Merchant, Iva A.] - [Millett, Margarit E.]
[MILLS, Jennie Porter] - [Murrow, Abbie]

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MILLS, Jennie Porter (b. 23 JAN 1857 - d. 28 OCT 1928)
Mills, Kezia (d. 23 AUG 1821)
Mills, Living
Miner, Emory (b. 3 AUG 1901 - d. 29 NOV 1973)
Minns, Sarah Anne (b. 12 FEB 1816 - d. 16 DEC 1884)
Mitchell, Elizabeth (b. 5 NOV 1914 - d. 31 OCT 1982)
Moceus, Mary
Moffat, Emily
Moffit, Arley Robert (b. 3 OCT 1911 - d. 18 APR 1947)
Moffit, Charlotte Ruby (b. 30 JAN 1922 - d. 30 MAY 1965)
Moffit, Earl Leroy (b. 31 AUG 1909 - d. 21 JUL 1974)
Moffit, Knonley Arthur (b. 3 JUL 1907 - d. 9 DEC 1977)
Moffit, Knonley Foreman (b. 17 JAN 1883 - d. 14 DEC 1969)
Moffit, Lester Ellison (b. 1 JUN 1916 - d. 11 MAR 1969)
Moffit, Living
Moffit, Marion Estella (b. 6 DEC 1918 - d. 24 JUL 1998)
Monk, Abigail
Moody, Agnes Grant
Moore, Ada Alberta (b. 7 MAY 1907)
Moore, B
Moore, Cal
Moore, Clarence Randolph (b. 27 SEP 1894 - d. AUG 1969)
Moore, Doris P. (b. JUN 1899 - d. AFT 1920)
Moore, Douglas (b. AUG 1865 - d. AFT 1920)
Moore, Edith
Moore, Gary Edward (b. 12 DEC 1932 - d. 11 APR 1964)
Moore, Gennie
Moore, Helen L. (b. 21 JUN 1916 - d. 6 JUN 2004)
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, Mary
Moore, Ray
Moreno, Maria Eleana
Morgan, Emma Augusta (b. 28 OCT 1858)
Morgan, Henry L (b. APR 1873 - d. 1944)
Morgan, Hubert L. (b. 4 OCT 1897 - d. 11 DEC 1970)
Morris, Living
MORRISETTE, Susan B. (b. 19 MAY 1898 - d. 1 JUL 1976)
Morse, Gertrrude (b. 1 JAN 1882)
Morse, Hiram (b. 27 OCT 1810)
Morse, Levi
Morse, Livingston
Morse, Marianne Nichols (b. 16 MAY 1824 - d. 20 SEP 1908)
Morse, Nathan (b. 30 JAN 1777 - d. 20 MAY 1831)
Morse, Phebe
Morse, Sarah
Mortensen, Ukn
Mortensen, Ukn
Mortin, Lauretta
Morton, Elizabeth (b. 1811 - d. 1886)
Morton, Rebecca (b. 2 SEP 1809 - d. 16 JUN 1885)
Mosher, Wendall Earl (b. 3 SEP 1906 - d. 6 OCT 2002)
Mosher, William H
Moss, Gideon K.
Mower, Joanna
Mugridge, Living
Mullaney, Katherine Elizabeth (b. 29 APR 1917 - d. 1 DEC 1994)
Munro, Charlotte B. (b. NOV 1872 - d. AFT 1930)
Munro, Harriet C. (b. AUG 1870 - d. AFT 1930)
Munro, Josiah Frank (b. MAY 1865 - d. AFT 1920)
Munro, Mary A. T. (b. OCT 1882 - d. AFT 1900)
Munro, William R. (b. ABT 1863 - d. AFT 1880)
Munroe, Anna (b. NOV 1868 - d. AFT 1930)
Munroe, John Harding (b. ABT 1811 - d. AFT 1870)
Munroe, John Henry (b. JAN 1845 - d. AFT 1920)
Munroe, Josiah (b. 11 AUG 1842 - d. 6 JUL 1904)
Munroe, Mahala G. (b. ABT 1840 - d. AFT 1850)
Munroe, Stephen S. (b. ABT 1856 - d. AFT 1870)
Munroe, Susan S. (b. ABT 1838 - d. AFT 1870)
Munson, Marguerite M. (b. 13 MAY 1920 - d. 7 SEP 1999)
Murray, Nina H. (b. ABT 1891)
Murrow, Abbie

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