Genealogy Data Page 60 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Jessop, Mary 
b. BEF 4 SEP 1803 Breedon on the Hill, Leicester, England
Gender: Female
Father: Jessop, George
Mother: Kinsey, Hannah
HOLFORD, Maryane 
b. ABT 1846 Salt, Staffordshire, England
Gender: Female
Father: HOLFORD, John
Mother: KINSEY, Mary
Kinsey, Francis 
b. 1795 Worthington, England
Gender: Male
Father: Kinsey, John
Mother: Millington, Elizabeth
Kinsey, Hannah 
b. 1799 Worthington, England
Gender: Female
Father: Kinsey, John
Mother: Millington, Elizabeth
Kinsey, Mary 
b. 1801 Worthington, England
Gender: Female
Father: Kinsey, John
Mother: Millington, Elizabeth
Kinsey, John 
b. 1803 Worthington, England
Gender: Male
Father: Kinsey, John
Mother: Millington, Elizabeth
Kinsey, William 
b. 1806 Worthington, England
Gender: Male
Father: Kinsey, John
Mother: Millington, Elizabeth
Kinsey, Ann 
b. ABT 1843 Wilson, Breedon on the Hill, Leicester, England
Gender: Female
Father: Kinsey, James
Mother: Chamberlin, Mary
Kinsey, Frederick William A.

b. BET JAN AND MAR 1895 Wilson, Breedon on the Hill, Leicester, England
Gender: Male
Father: Kinsey, Amos
Mother: Copeland, Fanny Octavia
Kinsey, George Bertie

b. BET APR AND JUN 1896 Wilson, Breedon on the Hill, Leicester, England
d. 29 OCT 1965 Derby, England
Gender: Male
Father: Kinsey, Amos
Mother: Copeland, Fanny Octavia
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