For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Scott Margaret [Female] b. 30 JUL 1748 Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT
Birth date is found in the Waterbury Vital records, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 215.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 215.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 215.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 215.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 367.
Death date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour CollectioDeath date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 2, page 118.
Death date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour CollectioDeath date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 2, page 548.
From "History of Waterbury", page 532: Mark, Titus and Jesse, sons of SimeFrom "History of Waterbury", page 532: Mark, Titus and Jesse, sons of Simeon, (34) went to Springfield, PA. Mark has one son and one dau., Titus two sons and a dau., and Jesse six sons.
Simeon and family are found in the Hiistory of Waterbury, page 122 appendiSimeon and family are found in the Hiistory of Waterbury, page 122 appendix.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 367.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 367.
Death date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour CollectioDeath date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 367.
Both marriages of Lois and the birth of her son, Ezekial, are found in the"History of Waterbuey", page 120 appendix
Went to Wallingford, VT. and had a large family.
Added by Dschuma407 on 8 Jun 2008Added by Dschuma407 on 8 Jun 2008
Family SketchesFamily Sketches
Justus Scott was a native of Hartford, Conn., and one of the first settl Justus Scott was a native of Hartford, Conn., and one of the first settlers of Wallingford, where he resided until his death. His widow died in 1860, aged 94. She was born in Waterbury, Conn., in 1765. She was the mother of seven sons and four daughters; grandmother to 74 children; great grandmother to 100 children; and great great grandmother to eight children, in all 191 children. She was a member of the Friends society for more than 50 years. The names of their children follow: Martha, b. 1786; Amila, b. 1788; Anna, b. 1790; Zebulon, b. 1792; Phineas, b. 1794; John, b. 1796; Justus, b. 1799; Zera, b. 1801, and died an infant; Lauranse, b. 1803; Job, b. 1807, and Zera, b. 1811. Zebulon m. Grata Warren, settled in Wallingford, and then moved west. Phineas was twice married, first to a lady named Smith, and next to Hannah Smith, sister to his former wife. He settled in Concord, N.Y., and is now dead. John lived in Erie Co., N.Y., where he died. Justus has been twice m., first to Emily harding and next to Electa Darling. He lives in Cattaraugus, N.Y.
"Biographical Sketches"
Added by Dschuma407 on 5 Jan 2009Added by Dschuma407 on 5 Jan 2009
Justus Scott, who died recently in the Town of Otto, Cattaraugus count Justus Scott, who died recently in the Town of Otto, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., was one of the early settlers of the Town of Concord, where he lived so long and took so lively an interest in its schools, churches and general prosperity as to entitle him to notice in these pages.
Justus Scott was born in the Town of Wallingford, Vt., March 19, 179 Justus Scott was born in the Town of Wallingford, Vt., March 19, 1799. Soon after his birth his father moved to Danby, Vt., where Justus remained with them till 1816. The father was poor and the family had becme accustomed to hard work, when he and his elder brother Phineas left home on foot with packs on their backs, to seek their fortunes in the Far West. They traveled sixteen days and arrived at Springville in October, 1816. The first business in which these boys engaged was chopping by the job. They cooked their food and kept bachelors' hall in the woods. Justus soon took an article of a piece of land on the road from Springville to Ashford, now owned by John Ellis, being part of lot fifteen, township six, range six. In July, 1817, he married Emily Hardy. They commenced house-keeping on this place in the most primitive style. The body of a fallen tree formed the rear of the house, while the front pillars were crotches driven in the ground, supporting a pole on which rested basswood dugouts for a roof, while the solid earth formed the floor. Brides of the present day might shrink from such a beginning, and find fault with the furniture, the carpeting, the curtaining or the bridal couch. But here this young couple commenced their life work; happy in anticipation of a future whose contrast would be all the more gratifying. Here they lived for several weeks till a log house could be built, in which they lived till Aug. 7, 1828, when Mrs. Scott died.
About this time Mr. Scott became the owner of a span of horses, an excee About this time Mr. Scott became the owner of a span of horses, an exceedingly rare luxury in those days. These horses strayed into the woods of Cattaraugus county, which was then called the "South Woods". There being no roads, Mr. Scott tracked them to the McClure settlement, now Franklinville and from there to Olean Point, about sixty miles from home, the way they went.
In March, 1830, Scott married Miss Electa Darling, a sister of Ho In March, 1830, Scott married Miss Electa Darling, a sister of Hon. J. P. Darling, of Cattaraugus, a woman of superior mind, and Jan. 15, 1831, Allen Scott, the present Judge of Cattaraugus county, was born. Soon after Scott removed from this town to Otto, N. Y., where he remained till 1848, when he returned to Springville to educate his children. After remaining here six years, taking a lively interest in our schools and churches, he returned again to his farm in Otto, where he died in 1881, greatly respected, a man of strong mind and sterling integrity.
Added by Dschuma407 on 9 Jun 2008Added by Dschuma407 on 9 Jun 2008
- Family Sketches pg. 258- Family Sketches pg. 258
Scott, Job, son of Justus Scott, came from Wallingford in 1828, and sett Scott, Job, son of Justus Scott, came from Wallingford in 1828, and settled in Scottsville. He at first was engaged in the farming business, but soon succeeded Daniel Healy in the tanning business, which he continued for 33 years. As a tanner and currier he did an extensive business, being widely known. In connection with this, in 1840, he went into the mercantile business, which he carried on until 1861, when he sold out to Simon E. Harrington and removed to Dorset, where he lived some five years. In 1866 he returned and settled at the Borough, on the place formerly owned by Dr. E. O. Whipple. Mr. Scott has been one of our most active business men, and by economy, industry and close application has succeeded in accumulating a good property. As a merchant he was one of the most successful in town. But few men have more greatly enjoyed the confidence of the community. His long residence here has been characterized by honesty, integrity and uprightness, which has gained for him many friends. He is a birthright member of the Quaker church, to which he still belongs and sometimes preaches. He is a man of good natural ability; a peaceable, quiet citizen; a kind and obliging neighbor. He married Mary, daughter of Seth Phillips, and has raised a family of four children: Joseph I., John J., Seth P. and Edee. John m. Henrietta, da. of Ezra Harrington, and died in 1864, aged 32. Seth has been a cripple since the age of 14, and is a shoemaker by trade.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Death date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour CollectioDeath date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Enoch and family are found in the History of Waterbury, page 120 appendix.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour CollectioBirth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Uri and family are found in the Hiistory of Waterbury, page 122 appendix.Uri and family are found in the Hiistory of Waterbury, page 122 appendix.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
Birth date is found in the Vital Records of Waterbury, Barbour Collection, Vol. 1, page 380.
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